
> >Is this one needed? Just ommit child note if it is not there.
> It is needed because you can have one led connected two both
> outputs. This allows to describe such a design.


> >>+- maxim,trigger-type : Array of trigger types in order: flash, torch
> >>+   Possible trigger types:
> >>+           0 - Rising edge of the signal triggers the flash/torch,
> >>+           1 - Signal level controls duration of the flash/torch.
> >>+- maxim,trigger : Array of flags indicating which trigger can activate 
> >>given led
> >>+   in order: fled1, fled2
> >>+   Possible flag values (can be combined):
> >>+           1 - FLASH pin of the chip,
> >>+           2 - TORCH pin of the chip,
> >>+           4 - software via I2C command.
> >
> >Is it good idea to have bitfields like this?
> >
> >Make these required properties of the subnode?
> This is related to a single property: trigger. I think that splitting
> it to three properties would make unnecessary noise in the
> binding.

Well, maybe it is not that much noise, and you'll have useful names
(not a bitfield).

Should these properties move to the LED subnode?
(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures) 
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