Roman Zippel wrote:
It seems you exported the complete parent information and this is exactly
the "nitty-gritty" I was "whining" about and which is not available via
bkcvs or bkweb and it's the most crucial information to make the bk data
useful outside of bk. Larry was previously very clear about this that he
considers this proprietary bk meta data and anyone attempting to export
this information is in violation with the free bk licence, so you indeed
just took the important parts and this is/was explicitly verboten for
normal bk users.
Yes, this is exactly the information that would be necessary to create a
general interop tool between bk and darcs|arch|monotone, and is the
fundamental objection I and others have had to open source projects
using BK. Is Bitmover willing to grant a special dispensation to allow a
lossless conversion of the linux history to another format?
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