On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 1:45 AM, Greg KH <gre...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 05, 2014 at 12:56:57AM -0400, Nicholas Krause wrote:
>> I am adding the fixes to the tree send for adding debugging to the kernel
>> tree from a patch sent in 2013 on the the 3.6 release. The patch adds
>> debugging over xhci capable debugging usb ports and needed to be updated
>> into the latest rc tree. The patch was first sent in this thread,
>> http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=135948845511047.
>> Signed-off-by: Nicholas Krause <xerofo...@gmail.com>
> If you send one more patch, I am going to have to ask vger.kernel.org to
> ban you from their servers.  You are actively bothering people and
> causing problems and wasting time.
> You have been told _numerous_ times to stop, yet you refuse to listen.
> You hold the record for getting kicked out of the Eudyptula challenge in
> a matter of hours, something no one else has ever had happen.  You
> ignore lots of very valid comments and suggestions, for no good reason.
> You flail about, making mistakes that are now starting to bother users,
> which is not acceptable at all.
> I will not respond to any more of your emails, and ask everyone else to
> now stop as well.
> good bye.
> *plonk*
> greg k-h

You haven't even checked my patch, our you just going to assume it's wrong?
Regards Nick
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