On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 08:09:10PM +0100, Hugo Mills wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 01:53:33PM -0400, Nicholas Krause wrote:
> > This adds checks for the stated modes as if they are crap we will return 
> > error
> > not supported.
>    You've just enabled two options, but you haven't actually
> implemented the code behind it. I would tell you *NOT* to do anything
> else on this work until you can answer the question: What happens if
> you apply this patch, create a large file called "foo.txt", and then a
> userspace program executes the following code?
> int fd = open("foo.txt", O_RDWR);
> fallocate(fd, FALLOCATE_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE, 50, 50);
>    Try it on a btrfs filesystem, both with and without your patch.
> Also try it on an ext4 filesystem.
>    Once you've done all of that, reply to this mail and tell me what
> the problem is with this patch. You need to make two answers: what are
> the technical problems with the patch? What errors have you made in
> the development process?

There are also the conceptual failures.  Before you do anything else,
you need to be able to answer the question, "what do you think the
to do?"  What are the possible appropriate things for btrfs to do if
it sees these flags?  (Hint: there is more than one correct answer,
and its current choice is one of them.  What is the other one?)

Nick, the fact that you call these modes "crap" is a hint that you
have a fundamental lack of understanding --- and before you waste more
of kernel developers' time, you need to get that understanding first,
for any bit of code that you propose to "improve".

This is why I suggested that you work on userspace testing scripts
first.  It's pretty clear you are (a) incredibly sloppy, and (b)
lacking conceptual understanding of a lot of technical details, and
(c) even worse, aren't letting this lack of understanding stop you
from posting patches.  As a result you are adding negative value to
whatever project or subsystem you try to attach yourself to --- you're
not helping.

                                                - Ted

P.S.   As a further hint, change the above code to read:

        int fd = open("foo.txt", O_RDWR);
        if (fallocate(fd, FALLOCATE_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE, 4096, 8192) < 0)

And then run "filefrag -vs foo.txt" before and after running the above
code fragment and then try something like this:

     cp /usr/share/dict/words foo.txt
     filefrag -vs foo.txt
     ls -l foo.txt
     filefrag -vs foo.txt
     ls -l foo.txt
     diff /usr/share/dict/words foo.txt

Try doing this on an ext4 or xfs system and a btrfs file system.
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