Hi Sergei,

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Sergei Shtylyov
<sergei.shtyl...@cogentembedded.com> wrote:
>>>>>> +               /* clocks = <&mstp3_clks R8A7740_CLK_GETHER>; */
>>>>>      This property is mandatory, according to the bindings.
>>>> Indeed, but you cannot put anything there until the platform has CCF, as
>>>> mstp3_clks doesn't exist yet.
>>>     Yes, that was the main obstacle to accepting those bindings sooner.
>>> This patch therefore seems somewhat premature.
>> My main objective is to provide working Ethernet support for Armadillo
>> reference now.
>    Mine was the same (but for BOCK-W board) but DT people didn't give a
> damn. :-) So there's still no Ethernet support in BOCK-W DT.

Yes there is: ethernet@18300000.

>> The DTS already has other nodes without "clocks" properties.
>    It means not everybody submitting the bindings had the same bad luck as 
> me. :-)

I think we have to be pragmatic here. The clocks properties will be added to
the dtsi as soon as we have CCF support.



Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- ge...@linux-m68k.org

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