On 05/08/2014 05:21 PM, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:

+               /* clocks = <&mstp3_clks R8A7740_CLK_GETHER>; */

     This property is mandatory, according to the bindings.

Indeed, but you cannot put anything there until the platform has CCF, as
mstp3_clks doesn't exist yet.

    Yes, that was the main obstacle to accepting those bindings sooner. This
patch therefore seems somewhat premature.

My main objective is to provide working Ethernet support for Armadillo
reference now.

Mine was the same (but for BOCK-W board) but DT people didn't give a damn. :-) So there's still no Ethernet support in BOCK-W DT.

The DTS already has other nodes without "clocks" properties.

It means not everybody submitting the bindings had the same bad luck as me. :-)


WBR, Sergei

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