On 05/02/2014 02:13 AM, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-05-02 at 00:42 -0400, Rik van Riel wrote:
>> Whether or not this is the right thing to do remains to be seen,
>> but it does allow us to verify whether or not the wake_affine
>> strategy of always doing affine wakeups and only disabling them
>> in a specific circumstance is sound, or needs rethinking...
> Yes, it needs rethinking.
> I know why you want to try this, yes, select_idle_sibling() is very much
> a two faced little bitch.

My biggest problem with select_idle_sibling and wake_affine in
general is that it will override NUMA placement, even when
processes only wake each other up infrequently...

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