On Sun, Jan 30, 2005 at 06:01:46PM +0000, Russell King wrote:
> > OTOH, if conntrack isn't loaded forwarded packet are never defragmented,
> > so frag_list should be empty. So probably false alarm, sorry.
> I've just checked Phil's mails - both Phil and myself are using
> netfilter on the troublesome boxen.
> Also, since FragCreates is zero, and this does mean that the frag_list
> is not empty in all cases so far where ip_fragment() has been called.
> (Reading the code, if frag_list was empty, we'd have to create some
> fragments, which increments the FragCreates statistic.)

The below testcase seems to illustrate the problem nicely -- ip_dst_cache
grows but never shrinks:

On gateway:

iptables -I FORWARD -d -j DROP

On client:

for i in `seq 1 254` ; do ping -s 1500 -c 5 -w 1 -f 10.10.10.$i ; done

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