On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 01:22:58PM +0200, Stephane Eranian wrote:
> > So the problem is that we don't have a user visible address space
> > identifier; with CLONE_THREAD we have the thread group id that acts
> > like this. But for bare CLONE_VM usage there's nothing afaik.
> From the tool's perspective, the MMAP2 record must contain enough information
> to identify that the mapping points to the same physical pages in that
> particular
> case (multi-process + VM_CLONE). As we have it now all inode-related fields
> are zero which is useless (indicates: no info). In other words, we need to 
> make
> up some unique number and stash it in the maj.min,ino triplet somehow.

So the only thing I can come up with is something like the below;
supposedly the sha hash mixing a boot time random seed and the mm
pointer is enough to avoid it being a data leak.

And of course there's the possibility of a collision.

--- a/kernel/events/core.c
+++ b/kernel/events/core.c
@@ -39,11 +39,15 @@
 #include <linux/hw_breakpoint.h>
 #include <linux/mm_types.h>
 #include <linux/cgroup.h>
+#include <linux/random.h>
+#include <linux/cryptohash.h>
 #include "internal.h"
 #include <asm/irq_regs.h>
+static u64 __perf_rand_seed;
 struct remote_function_call {
        struct task_struct      *p;
        int                     (*func)(void *info);
@@ -5136,6 +5140,33 @@ static void perf_event_mmap_event(struct
                min = MINOR(dev);
        } else {
+               union {
+                       struct {
+                               u64 ino, gen;
+                               u32 min;
+                       };
+                       u32 digest[SHA_DIGEST_WORDS];
+               } hash;
+               union {
+                       struct {
+                               u64 seed;
+                               u64 ptr;
+                       };
+                       u8 message[SHA_MESSAGE_BYTES];
+               } data;
+               u32 workspace[SHA_WORKSPACE_WORDS];
+               memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
+               data.seed = __perf_rand_seed;
+               data.ptr = (u64)vma->vm_mm;
+               sha_init(hash.digest);
+               sha_transform(hash.digest, data.message, workspace);
+               gen = hash.gen;
+               ino = hash.ino;
+               min = hash.min;
                if (arch_vma_name(mmap_event->vma)) {
                        name = strncpy(tmp, arch_vma_name(mmap_event->vma),
                                       sizeof(tmp) - 1);
@@ -7895,6 +7926,8 @@ void __init perf_event_init(void)
        /* do not patch jump label more than once per second */
        jump_label_rate_limit(&perf_sched_events, HZ);
+       get_random_bytes(&__perf_rand_seed, sizeof(__perf_rand_seed));
         * Build time assertion that we keep the data_head at the intended
         * location.  IOW, validation we got the __reserved[] size right.
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