On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Jordan Crouse wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 June 2001 06:34, Alan Cox mentioned:
> > > I suppose they received some pression from M$, but if people read of a
> > > FUD from a M$ employed, then they can guess what is going on, if it is a
> > > newspaper usually telling facts in a correct way...
> >
> > It is common for newspaper staff to be corrupt, same with magazine people.
> > Sometimes because people generally believe in a cause and are not impartial
> > (which I've seen both pro and anti Linux btw) and sometimes because
> > advertising revenue is a good thing.
> >From reading the article, the author showed that he understood the open
> source world fairly well (better than my grandmother), even taking a crack at
> Microsoft at one point:
> "il servizio Hotmail di Microsoft, che gestisce la posta per oltre 12 milioni
> di utenti Internet, non "gira", come si dice nel gergo tecnico, su
> piattaforma Microsoft, ma su di un aggregato di pacchetti Open Source."
> "Hotmail, from Microsoft, doesn't run on a Microsoft platform but rather a
> collection of Open Source packages."
> He also discussed Perl, Python and other projects at length. Basically, from
> his writing, I think that he was more missinformed that actually pushing real
> FUD. I'll bet when he investigated the story, somebody close to him
> mentioned that Linus had the final say on what went into the kernel, and he
> probably saw a few e-mails on Google from people with rejected patches, and
> he assumed that there was something rotten going on.
Those informations came from an article printed on Linux&C just 6 days
before the one on "affari e Finanza", written by A frined of mine, Felice
Mainolfi. Nothing wrong to take informations from another article,
(it takes also the same words), the final use of those true informations
is deprecable (to title after a page "and also Us will be open" about
M$ open source policy).
> And it probably doesn't
> help that we are always fighting amongst ourselves over architecture,
> implementation and the such. An uneducated person reading over the archives
> would probably assume that Alan and Linus are ready to start hunting each
> other down, and the articles they write would probably reflect this.
Luigi Genoni
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