On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> wrote:
> So this log is basically:
> git log v3.11..v3.12-rc1 --merges --author="Linus Torvalds" \
>   | sed -n 's/ *Pull \(.*\) from \(.*\):/\2: \1/p' | sort
> Only with a slightly more clever "sort"?

Yes, except it's written in perl to get that simpler sort.

My silly script is designed to mimic "git shortlog" output, and it is
indeed based on the original perl version (and syntax) of that.

It also matches "Merge" in addition to "Pull", since some of my merges
end up being branches that get created from emails in my local
repository and then merged.

In case anybody wants to play with it, the perl script is attached,
and you can see the git-shortlog roots (for example, it still has the
usage string that mentions the -[hns] flags that don't actually work,
and some function called shortlog).

NOTE! It only works with the syntax that I use for merge messages,  so
while you could use it to summarize other peoples pulls and merges, it
really doesn't end up working very well for that. Maybe some
developers have adopted my syntax, but a quick look says no. Anyway,
for my use it's

    git log v3.11.. --merges --author=Torvalds | git-mergelog

and you can try to play around with other merge authors and maybe
accept a wider range of syntax, but from a quick look it looks like
none of the other maintainers that do merges have a very convenient
fixed format..

And my perl-fu is lacking, so don't laugh at my script. But if you
have improvements, feel free to send them...


Attachment: git-mergelog
Description: Binary data

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