On 07/04/2013 05:19 PM, Greg KH wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 04, 2013 at 04:16:43PM +0300, Oleksandr Kravchenko wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I wrote i2c driver for APDS-9300 light sensor in drivers/misc, but I have 
>> some
>> questions regarding upstreaming of it.
>> 1. It works properly in kernel-3.4, but it works very slow in kernel-3.10 (on
>> mutex and i2c operations, particulary on mutex_lock() and i2c_smbus_read_data
>> ()). Does anyone know why this issue may be occurred?
> What is "slow"?  Have you run 'perf' on the driver to see where it is
> spending time?
>> 2. Can I send this driver without using Industrial I/O framework?
> No, why would you even want to?

Looks like a fairly standard light sensor so drivers/iio/light.

Actually very close in design to some of the TAOS parts such as those supported
by the tsl2563 driver if you want a reference driver to compare with.

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