On Tue, 28 May 2013 20:00:45 -0400, Christopher Sacchi said:
>  This patch is for linux-3.10-rc2 and adds the definition for
> KERN_OOPS (it can be used for whenever kernel oops occur) in
> <linux/kern_loglevel.h> for <linux/printk.h>. It is below the
> double-dashes.

OK, I'll bite.

1) Where in the kernel will this actually get used?

2) Are there any matching patches for userspace tools like syslog
to make it useful?

3) Was it intenional that you added this:

+#define KERN_OOPS         KERN_SOH "2"          /* kernel oops condition */
instead of
+#define KERN_OOPS         KERN_CRIT

4) How does a syslog daemon distringuish between KERN_CRIT and KERN_OOPS?

In other words - why do we need this patch?

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