On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Eliezer Tamir
<eliezer.ta...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> On 21/05/2013 11:43, Or Gerlitz wrote:

>> Maybe if we bake it on this list little further we can see how to get
>> away from that, or what's the most non ugly way for that?

> I'm all for proper review and fixing any issues before forcing "ugliness"
> and "black magic" on unsuspecting users.
> Having said that, you failed to mention that your company sells userspace
> stack replacements.

ditto for your firm, heard on DPDK? but your comment is irrelevant, I
only raised the idea that if we bake this little further we might find
a solution which avoids this nasty corner, not more but not less.


> Why don't you try it out and tell us what you find.

sure, we are looking on that on the driver level, my comment was more general
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