On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 06:17:18PM +0400, Ivan Kokshaysky wrote:
> > Eh?  Would you give me an example that isn't working properly?
> Sure.

Fixed thus.

> So one of the questions: can one rely on current branch predictions
> algorithms (val < 0, val = 0 false etc.) in the long term?

Err, no.  We reserve the right to tweek the predictions, or to replace
them with different heuristics.  I'd hope they'd be _generally_ better
heuristics, though the effect on any one particular test might change.


        * integrate.c (copy_insn_list): Substitute NOTE_EXPECTED_VALUE.

Index: integrate.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/integrate.c,v
retrieving revision 1.142
diff -c -p -r1.142 integrate.c
*** integrate.c 2001/05/03 16:14:34     1.142
--- integrate.c 2001/05/05 16:54:24
*************** copy_insn_list (insns, map, static_chain
*** 1536,1541 ****
--- 1536,1546 ----
                    NOTE_BLOCK (copy) = *mapped_block_p;
+             else if (copy
+                      && NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (copy) == NOTE_INSN_EXPECTED_VALUE)
+               NOTE_EXPECTED_VALUE (copy)
+                 = copy_rtx_and_substitute (NOTE_EXPECTED_VALUE (insn),
+                                            map, 0);
            copy = 0;
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