On 2013年04月24日 16:19, Vasant Hegde wrote:
>>>>>>     for tmp_part->header.name:
>>>>>> >>>>>       it is "Terminating null required only for names<   12 chars".
>>>>>> >>>>>       so need to limit the %.12s for it in printk
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>     additional info:
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>       %12s  limit the width, not for the original string output 
>>>>>> >>>>> length
>>>>>> >>>>>             if name length is more than 12, it still can be fully 
>>>>>> >>>>> displayed.
>>>>>> >>>>>             if name length is less than 12, the ' ' will be filled 
>>>>>> >>>>> before name.
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>       %.12s truly limit the original string output length 
>>>>>> >>>>> (precision)
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> Signed-off-by: Chen Gang<gang.c...@asianux.com>
>>>>>> >>>>> ---
>>>>>> >>>>>    arch/powerpc/kernel/nvram_64.c |    2 +-
>>>>>> >>>>>    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/nvram_64.c 
>>>>>> >>>>> b/arch/powerpc/kernel/nvram_64.c
>>>>>> >>>>> index bec1e93..57bf6d2 100644
>>>>>> >>>>> --- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/nvram_64.c
>>>>>> >>>>> +++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/nvram_64.c
>>>>>> >>>>> @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ static void __init nvram_print_partitions(char 
>>>>>> >>>>> * label)
>>>>>> >>>>>            printk(KERN_WARNING "--------%s---------\n", label);
>>>>>> >>>>>            printk(KERN_WARNING "indx\t\tsig\tchks\tlen\tname\n");
>>>>>> >>>>>            list_for_each_entry(tmp_part,&nvram_partitions, 
>>>>>> >>>>> partition) {
>>>>>> >>>>> -          printk(KERN_WARNING "%4d    \t%02x\t%02x\t%d\t%12s\n",
>>>>>> >>>>> +          printk(KERN_WARNING "%4d    
>>>>>> >>>>> \t%02x\t%02x\t%d\t%12.12s\n",
>> > 
>> > First, this code in inside NVRAM_DEBUG which is used only for debug 
>> > purpose and
>> > AFAIK, all partition names are less than 20 character. So I don't think we 
>> > need
> Sorry.. I meant 12 character.

Please see line 283:
  "strncpy(part->header.name, "wwwwwwwwwwww", 12);"
  (it is not a NUL terminated string, and the length is 12)

And also, can we be sure that all partition names should be less than 12
characters ?

All together, I think we still need %12.12s to protect the memory.


Chen Gang

Asianux Corporation
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