David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I'd be very surprised if the number of false positives isn't fairly stable, > with new ones being introduced at a similar rate to the rate at which old > ones finally become correct. Even supposing that's so, a 36% rate of broken symbols is way too high. It argues that we need to do a thorough housecleaning at least once in order to get back to an acceptably low stable rate. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> The same applies for other kinds of long-lasting low-level pain. [...] The body's response to being jabbed, pierced, and cut is to produce endorphins. [...] So here's my programme for breaking that cycle of dependency on Windows: get left arm tattooed with dragon motif, buy a crate of Jamaican Hot! Pepper Sauce, get nipples pierced. With any luck that will produce enough endorphins to make Windows completely redundant, and I can then upgrade to Linux and get on with things. -- Pieter Hintjens - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Russell King
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Tom Leete
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... rmk
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Tom Rini
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Nicolas Pitre
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Tom Rini
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... David Woodhouse
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... David Woodhouse
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Alan Cox
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... David Woodhouse
- [patch] fix broken symbols (was Re: OK, let'... Arjan van de Ven
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... David Woodhouse
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Russell King
- Re: [parisc-linux] Re: OK, let's try cleanin... Andreas Dilger
- Proposal for better attribution structure Eric S. Raymond
- Re: OK, let's try cleaning up another nit. Is anyone payi... David Woodhouse