Jeff Galloway wrote:
> Sorry, Tom about the word doc faux pas. I've set out my problem in plain
> text below. I got my source from
Hi Jeff,
Well that's problem #1. Source from for 2.4 tends to not work on
PPC as it has been lagging on important patches and such. We're hoping to get caught up ASAP.
Visit here to get the up to date and sometime bleeding edge source for PPC.
> Here's my problem:
> Problem in compiling linux 2.4.3
> Compile error message:
> After the compiler message:
> gcc D__KERNEL__ -I/home/jeff/kernel/linux/include Wall
> Wstrict-prototypes O2 fomit-frame-pointer fno-strict-aliasing
> D__powerpc__ -fsigned-char msoft-float pipe ffixed-r2 Wno-uninitialized
> mmultiple mstring -c o fork.o fork.c
> Compiler error message:
> fork.c: In function ?copy_mm¹:
> fork.c:353: fixed or forbidden register 68 (0) was spilled for class
> This may be due to a compiler bug or to impossible asm statements or
> clauses.
Which version of gcc do you have? You want either 2.95.2 or 2.95.3
> cpp: output pipe has been closed
> make[2]: *** [fork.o] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory ?/home/jeff/kernel/linux/kernel¹
> make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory ?/home/jeff/kernel/linux/kernel¹
> make: *** [_dir_kernel] Error 2
> Compiling on Power Mac 7600, with dual processor (604e/180) installed,
> running kernel 2.2.18 compiled by Jeff Galloway, but otherwise a Yellow Dog
> distribution.
Ah YDL ... good stuff. Hope you are on 1.2 at least. 8-)
Tom Gall - PowerPC Linux Team "Where's the ka-boom? There was
Linux Technology Center supposed to be an earth
(w) [EMAIL PROTECTED] shattering ka-boom!"
(w) 507-253-4558 -- Marvin Martian
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