I sent this report to the people indicated below, whose names I got from the
MAINTAINERS file in the 2.4.3 distribution, but the email address for Mr.
MacKerras is no longer good and Mr. Chastain wrote me back that he is not
following 2.4 issues.
I have not yet heard from Mr. Owens.
Any suggestions on the solution to my problem?
Jeff Galloway
New York
------ Forwarded Message
From: Jeff Galloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 00:38:46 -0400
To: Michael Elizabeth Chastain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Keith Owens
Subject: Linux 2.4.3 Compile Errors - Power Mac
I have been unable to compile the 2.4 kernel on my Power Mac 7600 (with a
dual 604e/180 processor installed, running kernel 2.2.18 in single processor
mode (which I compiled), but otherwise with the Yellow Dog (Red Hat)
distribution files, including gcc compiler).
The compiler error message along with the menuconfig-generated configuration
file are set out in the attached MS Word document. I've had similar
problems with other versions of 2.4.
Any suggestions?
Jeff Galloway
New York
------ End of Forwarded Message
Problem in compiling linu.doc