On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Admin Mailing Lists wrote:
> > >It was causing SMP boxes to crash mysteriously after
> > >several hours or days. Quite a lot of them. Nobody
> > >was able to explain why, so it was turned off.
> >
> > I know why it was turned off by default. The annoying this is that now
> > the *only* way to activate the watchdog is via a boot command. It is
> > not possible to compile a standard debugging kernel with this option
> > turned on, you have to rely on every user setting the boot options for
> > every kernel. If it is going to be off by default there should be a
> > way to patch the kernel to make it on by default.
> >
> i'm troubled by that fact that something the would be used to debug the
> kernel, is something that actually causes crashes. doesn't that kind of
> defeat the purpose..and introduce just another unstable element to the
> problem/crash at hand?
I had some unreproducable system crashes with NO watchdog and NO SMP
enabled that do no longer occure since I compile my kernels without
CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL. I don't know if it this is related, but there seems
to be a problem in one of the "Kernel hacking" options that isn't related
to watchdog or SMP.
> -Tony
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