> >
> >It was causing SMP boxes to crash mysteriously after
> >several hours or days. Quite a lot of them. Nobody
> >was able to explain why, so it was turned off.
> I know why it was turned off by default. The annoying this is that now
> the *only* way to activate the watchdog is via a boot command. It is
> not possible to compile a standard debugging kernel with this option
> turned on, you have to rely on every user setting the boot options for
> every kernel. If it is going to be off by default there should be a
> way to patch the kernel to make it on by default.
i'm troubled by that fact that something the would be used to debug the
kernel, is something that actually causes crashes. doesn't that kind of
defeat the purpose..and introduce just another unstable element to the
problem/crash at hand?
Anthony J. Biacco Network Administrator/Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Intergrafix Internet Services
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