Sorry to repost the issue but I got no reply...

 2.4.3-pre3 and synced-up versions of the -ac series remove support for
 PCMCIA serial CardBus. In drivers/char/pcmcia the Makefile and
 files are modified to exclude serial_cb and the serial_cb.c file itself
 is removed by the patch. As a net result, my Xircom modem port becomes
 invisible to the kernel and I can't dial out through it.

As a temporary measure I backed out the changes in drivers/char/pcmcia
 and my 2.4.3-pre4 kernel seems happy (in fact I am dialing out through
 said Xircom modem).

Did I miss some announcement for replacement features for serial_cb or
 did a bad patch slip in ?

Thanks & ciao,

--alessandro      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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