Hi Alan,

  tried as you suggested to config out IrDA and indeed the kernel boots.

 Even in -ac20 my Dell Latitude laptop hangs in the RH7.0 init sequence
  after printing the IRCOMM line. C-A-D doesn't do anything but I can use
  Magic Sysrq to reboot.

 I am available for further diagnostic investigation. Just in case, this
  is my IrDA h/w (booted into 2.4.3-pre4).

[root@princess /root]# findchip -v
Found SMC FDC37N958FR Controller at 0x3f0, DevID=0x01, Rev. 1
    SIR Base 0x3e8, FIR Base 0x290
    IRQ = 4, DMA = 3
    Enabled: yes, Suspended: no
    UART compatible: yes
    Half duplex delay = 3 us

 Thanks & ciao,

--alessandro      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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