From: Namhyung Kim <>

Factor out calculation of histogram of a symbol into
disasm__calc_percent.  It'll be used for event group view.

Signed-off-by: Namhyung Kim <>
 tools/perf/util/annotate.c |   52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/util/annotate.c b/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
index 3a088a367c52..f985866304ff 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
@@ -635,6 +635,38 @@ struct disasm_line *disasm__get_next_ip_line(struct 
list_head *head, struct disa
        return NULL;
+static void disasm__calc_percent(struct symbol *sym, struct perf_evsel *evsel,
+                                s64 from, s64 to, const char **path,
+                                double *percent)
+       struct annotation *notes = symbol__annotation(sym);
+       struct source_line *src_line = notes->src->lines;
+       struct sym_hist *h;
+       unsigned int hits = 0;
+       s64 offset = from;
+       *percent = 0.0;
+       if (src_line) {
+               while (offset < to) {
+                       if (*path == NULL)
+                               *path = src_line[offset].path;
+                       *percent += src_line[offset].percent;
+                       ++offset;
+               }
+       } else {
+               h = annotation__histogram(notes, evsel->idx);
+               while (offset < to) {
+                       hits += h->addr[offset];
+               }
+               if (h->sum)
+                       *percent = 100.0 * hits / h->sum;
+       }
 static int disasm_line__print(struct disasm_line *dl, struct symbol *sym, u64 
                      struct perf_evsel *evsel, u64 len, int min_pcnt, int 
                      int max_lines, struct disasm_line *queue)
@@ -644,32 +676,18 @@ static int disasm_line__print(struct disasm_line *dl, 
struct symbol *sym, u64 st
        if (dl->offset != -1) {
                const char *path = NULL;
-               unsigned int hits = 0;
                double percent = 0.0;
                const char *color;
                struct annotation *notes = symbol__annotation(sym);
-               struct source_line *src_line = notes->src->lines;
-               struct sym_hist *h = annotation__histogram(notes, evsel->idx);
                s64 offset = dl->offset;
                const u64 addr = start + offset;
                struct disasm_line *next;
                next = disasm__get_next_ip_line(&notes->src->source, dl);
-               while (offset < (s64)len &&
-                      (next == NULL || offset < next->offset)) {
-                       if (src_line) {
-                               if (path == NULL)
-                                       path = src_line[offset].path;
-                               percent += src_line[offset].percent;
-                       } else
-                               hits += h->addr[offset];
-                       ++offset;
-               }
-               if (src_line == NULL && h->sum)
-                       percent = 100.0 * hits / h->sum;
+               disasm__calc_percent(sym, evsel, offset,
+                                    next ? next->offset : (s64) len,
+                                    &path, &percent);
                if (percent < min_pcnt)
                        return -1;

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