Andre Hedrick wrote:
> Hi Khalid,
> So, is HP going to allow linux to publsih "Tape Alert" as a means to
> assist with error checking and testing in general?  Also why did HP
> take the 14GB/20GB models and move off the standard QIC or TR-4
> IO-Firmware?
> Cheers,
> Andre Hedrick
> Linux ATA Development
> ASL Kernel Development

Hi Andre,

Unfortunately I am not in a position to know answers to these questions.
These questions would need to go way higher up than to a lowly software
engineer :-)

BTW, I am not familar with "Tape alert". Can you give me more info. A
private email might be more approrpiate. 


Khalid Aziz                             Linux Development Laboratory
(970)898-9214                                        Hewlett-Packard
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    Fort Collins, CO
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