Looks nice.. How about something like the below on top.. I couldn't
immediately find a sane reason for the grand-parent to always be red in
the insertion case.

--- a/lib/rbtree.c
+++ b/lib/rbtree.c
@@ -23,6 +23,25 @@
 #include <linux/rbtree.h>
 #include <linux/export.h>
+ * red-black trees properties:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rbtree
+ *
+ *  1) A node is either red or black
+ *  2) The root is black
+ *  3) All leaves (NULL) are black
+ *  4) Both children of every red node are black
+ *  5) Every simple path from a given node to any of its descendant leaves
+ *     contains the same number of black nodes.
+ *
+ *  4 and 5 give the O(log n) guarantee, since 4 implies you cannot have two
+ *  consecutive red nodes in a path and every red node is therefore followed by
+ *  a black. So if B is the number of black nodes on every simple path (as per
+ *  5), then the longest possible path due to 4 is 2B.
+ *
+ *  We shall indicate color with case, where black nodes are uppercase and red
+ *  nodes will be lowercase.
+ */
 #define        RB_RED          0
 #define        RB_BLACK        1
@@ -85,12 +104,27 @@ void rb_insert_color(struct rb_node *nod
                } else if (rb_is_black(parent))
+               /*
+                * XXX
+                */
                gparent = rb_red_parent(parent);
                if (parent == gparent->rb_left) {
                        tmp = gparent->rb_right;
                        if (tmp && rb_is_red(tmp)) {
-                               /* Case 1 - color flips */
+                               /* 
+                                * Case 1 - color flips
+                                *
+                                *       G            g
+                                *      / \          / \
+                                *     p   u  -->   P   U
+                                *    /            /
+                                *   n            N
+                                *
+                                * However, since g's parent might be red, and
+                                * 4) does not allow this, we need to recurse
+                                * at g.
+                                */
                                rb_set_parent_color(tmp, gparent, RB_BLACK);
                                rb_set_parent_color(parent, gparent, RB_BLACK);
                                node = gparent;
@@ -100,17 +134,35 @@ void rb_insert_color(struct rb_node *nod
                        if (parent->rb_right == node) {
-                               /* Case 2 - left rotate at parent */
+                               /* 
+                                * Case 2 - left rotate at parent
+                                *
+                                *      G             G
+                                *     / \           / \
+                                *    p   U  -->    n   U
+                                *     \           /
+                                *      n         p
+                                *
+                                * This still leaves us in violation of 4), the
+                                * continuation into Case 3 will fix that.
+                                */
                                parent->rb_right = tmp = node->rb_left;
                                node->rb_left = parent;
                                if (tmp)
-                                       rb_set_parent_color(tmp, parent,
-                                                           RB_BLACK);
+                                       rb_set_parent_color(tmp, parent, 
                                rb_set_parent_color(parent, node, RB_RED);
                                parent = node;
-                       /* Case 3 - right rotate at gparent */
+                       /* 
+                        * Case 3 - right rotate at gparent
+                        *
+                        *        G           P
+                        *       / \         / \
+                        *      p   U  -->  n   g
+                        *     /                 \
+                        *    n                   U
+                        */
                        gparent->rb_left = tmp = parent->rb_right;
                        parent->rb_right = gparent;
                        if (tmp)
@@ -134,8 +186,7 @@ void rb_insert_color(struct rb_node *nod
                                parent->rb_left = tmp = node->rb_right;
                                node->rb_right = parent;
                                if (tmp)
-                                       rb_set_parent_color(tmp, parent,
-                                                           RB_BLACK);
+                                       rb_set_parent_color(tmp, parent, 
                                rb_set_parent_color(parent, node, RB_RED);
                                parent = node;
@@ -175,43 +226,75 @@ static void __rb_erase_color(struct rb_n
                } else if (parent->rb_left == node) {
                        sibling = parent->rb_right;
                        if (rb_is_red(sibling)) {
-                               /* Case 1 - left rotate at parent */
+                               /* 
+                                * Case 1 - left rotate at parent
+                                *
+                                *     P               S
+                                *    / \             / \
+                                *   N   s    -->    p   Sr
+                                *      / \         / \
+                                *     Sl  Sr      N   Sl
+                                */
                                parent->rb_right = tmp1 = sibling->rb_left;
                                sibling->rb_left = parent;
                                rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, parent, RB_BLACK);
-                               __rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root,
-                                                       RB_RED);
+                               __rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root, 
                                sibling = tmp1;
                        tmp1 = sibling->rb_right;
                        if (!tmp1 || rb_is_black(tmp1)) {
                                tmp2 = sibling->rb_left;
                                if (!tmp2 || rb_is_black(tmp2)) {
-                                       /* Case 2 - sibling color flip */
-                                       rb_set_parent_color(sibling, parent,
-                                                           RB_RED);
+                                       /* 
+                                        * Case 2 - sibling color flip
+                                        *
+                                        *     P             P
+                                        *    / \           / \
+                                        *   N   S    -->  N   s
+                                        *      / \           / \
+                                        *     Sl  Sr        Sl  Sr
+                                        *
+                                        * This leaves us violating 5), recurse 
at p.
+                                        */
+                                       rb_set_parent_color(sibling, parent, 
                                        node = parent;
                                        parent = rb_parent(node);
-                               /* Case 3 - right rotate at sibling */
+                               /* 
+                                * Case 3 - right rotate at sibling 
+                                *
+                                *    P             P
+                                *   / \           / \
+                                *  N   S    -->  N   sl
+                                *     / \           / \
+                                *    sl  Sr        1   S
+                                *   / \               / \
+                                *  1   2             2   Sr
+                                */
                                sibling->rb_left = tmp1 = tmp2->rb_right;
                                tmp2->rb_right = sibling;
                                parent->rb_right = tmp2;
                                if (tmp1)
-                                       rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling,
-                                                           RB_BLACK);
+                                       rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, 
                                tmp1 = sibling;
                                sibling = tmp2;
-                       /* Case 4 - left rotate at parent + color flips */
+                       /* 
+                        * Case 4 - left rotate at parent + color flips 
+                        *
+                        *       P               S
+                        *      / \             / \
+                        *     N   S     -->   P   Sr
+                        *        / \         / \
+                        *       Sl  Sr      N   Sl
+                        */
                        parent->rb_right = tmp2 = sibling->rb_left;
                        sibling->rb_left = parent;
                        rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, RB_BLACK);
                        if (tmp2)
                                rb_set_parent(tmp2, parent);
-                       __rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root,
-                                               RB_BLACK);
+                       __rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root, 
                } else {
                        sibling = parent->rb_left;
@@ -220,8 +303,7 @@ static void __rb_erase_color(struct rb_n
                                parent->rb_left = tmp1 = sibling->rb_right;
                                sibling->rb_right = parent;
                                rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, parent, RB_BLACK);
-                               __rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root,
-                                                       RB_RED);
+                               __rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root, 
                                sibling = tmp1;
                        tmp1 = sibling->rb_left;
@@ -229,8 +311,7 @@ static void __rb_erase_color(struct rb_n
                                tmp2 = sibling->rb_right;
                                if (!tmp2 || rb_is_black(tmp2)) {
                                        /* Case 2 - sibling color flip */
-                                       rb_set_parent_color(sibling, parent,
-                                                           RB_RED);
+                                       rb_set_parent_color(sibling, parent, 
                                        node = parent;
                                        parent = rb_parent(node);
@@ -240,8 +321,7 @@ static void __rb_erase_color(struct rb_n
                                tmp2->rb_left = sibling;
                                parent->rb_left = tmp2;
                                if (tmp1)
-                                       rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling,
-                                                           RB_BLACK);
+                                       rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, 
                                tmp1 = sibling;
                                sibling = tmp2;
@@ -251,8 +331,7 @@ static void __rb_erase_color(struct rb_n
                        rb_set_parent_color(tmp1, sibling, RB_BLACK);
                        if (tmp2)
                                rb_set_parent(tmp2, parent);
-                       __rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root,
-                                               RB_BLACK);
+                       __rb_rotate_set_parents(parent, sibling, root, 
@@ -267,8 +346,7 @@ void rb_erase(struct rb_node *node, stru
                child = node->rb_right;
        else if (!node->rb_right)
                child = node->rb_left;
-       else
-       {
+       else {
                struct rb_node *old = node, *left;
                node = node->rb_right;
@@ -310,17 +388,15 @@ void rb_erase(struct rb_node *node, stru
        if (child)
                rb_set_parent(child, parent);
-       if (parent)
-       {
+       if (parent) {
                if (parent->rb_left == node)
                        parent->rb_left = child;
                        parent->rb_right = child;
-       }
-       else
+       } else
                root->rb_node = child;
- color:
        if (color == RB_BLACK)
                __rb_erase_color(child, parent, root);
@@ -433,8 +509,10 @@ struct rb_node *rb_next(const struct rb_
        if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(node))
                return NULL;
-       /* If we have a right-hand child, go down and then left as far
-          as we can. */
+       /* 
+        * If we have a right-hand child, go down and then left as far as we
+        * can. 
+        */
        if (node->rb_right) {
                node = node->rb_right; 
                while (node->rb_left)
@@ -442,12 +520,13 @@ struct rb_node *rb_next(const struct rb_
                return (struct rb_node *)node;
-       /* No right-hand children.  Everything down and left is
-          smaller than us, so any 'next' node must be in the general
-          direction of our parent. Go up the tree; any time the
-          ancestor is a right-hand child of its parent, keep going
-          up. First time it's a left-hand child of its parent, said
-          parent is our 'next' node. */
+       /* 
+        * No right-hand children. Everything down and left is smaller than
+        * us, so any 'next' node must be in the general direction of our
+        * parent. Go up the tree; any time the ancestor is a right-hand child
+        * of its parent, keep going up. First time it's a left-hand child of
+        * its parent, said parent is our 'next' node. 
+        */ 
        while ((parent = rb_parent(node)) && node == parent->rb_right)
                node = parent;
@@ -462,8 +541,10 @@ struct rb_node *rb_prev(const struct rb_
        if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(node))
                return NULL;
-       /* If we have a left-hand child, go down and then right as far
-          as we can. */
+       /* 
+        * If we have a left-hand child, go down and then right as far as we
+        * can. 
+        */
        if (node->rb_left) {
                node = node->rb_left; 
                while (node->rb_right)
@@ -471,8 +552,10 @@ struct rb_node *rb_prev(const struct rb_
                return (struct rb_node *)node;
-       /* No left-hand children. Go up till we find an ancestor which
-          is a right-hand child of its parent */
+       /*
+        * No left-hand children. Go up till we find an ancestor which is a
+        * right-hand child of its parent 
+        */
        while ((parent = rb_parent(node)) && node == parent->rb_left)
                node = parent;

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