On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 03:44:07AM -0600, Mark Orr wrote:
> Well that surely shouldnt happen...I use minicom all the time (I still
> call BBSes), and havent had any crashes. I can quit/disconnect, or
> quit/stay connected and it works okay. I've even got it set up to
> use 230000bps, which is the max my Zoom will take.
I'll try the suggestions you sent. regarding the esp -- iI foirgot to
mention that it also crashes when I unplug the connection from a router
and reconnect to the E2864i. it even sometimes crashes when somebody
calls in (e.g. faxes are received) or if I push the front switches that
emit data to the esp card.
weird. note that I use OSS drivers, not builtin sound. maybe an option
to check out too. to me it sounds like corruption in memory that causes
the crash.
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