[mike -- included you for refs only]
recently I started to dive into a problem that causes 2.2.x and 2.4.x to
crash at shutdown and when minicom/mgetty is used. e.g. shutdown almost
always crashed the system; if a fax is received, 3 out of 4 faxes ok,
but also crashes system.
I tried to contact the author of the hayes esp also but he seems to be
pretty busy...
Initially I thought that killall5, mike's product, somehow caused the
mentioned crash but diving deeper into it I found that killall5 tries to
kill mgetty -- and crashes the system. I tried a source version as well.
same stuff (I use suse 7.0)
I then tried without mgetty -- shutdown ok. Then I looked at esp.o as
it's being used with mgetty -- now used minicom... that crashes most
of the time when I exit the program. most of the time, it only crashes
if you reset the modem connected.
I trouble shooted further and disconnecting the plug of the esp and at
the reconnect -- crash.
It seems that somewhere in the esp code, something causes this
particular weird crash. somehting like modem lines that get changed or
so causing the crash ?
the IRQ is 11, not using DMA, IRQ is set to legacy in the BIOS.
it happens with any 2.2.xx version and also happens with 2.4.0.
the system's a non OC dual SMP (BP6) but it happened on the old hardware
(P5-100 w 64 MB) as well.
are there any things I could do to truble shoot this further in order to
use the esp again ?
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