
This patch fixes ACPI oops on my toshiba.. This should go to Linus.

--- clean/drivers/acpi/cmbatt.c Wed Jan 31 16:14:26 2001
+++ linux/drivers/acpi/cmbatt.c Wed Jan 31 21:03:47 2001
@@ -163,11 +167,13 @@
+#define Xstrncpy(a, b, c) if (b) strncpy(a,b,c); else strncpy(a, "unknown", c);
        /* BUG: trailing NULL issue */
-       strncpy(result->model_number, objs[9].string.pointer, MAX_BATT_STRLEN-1);
-       strncpy(result->serial_number, objs[10].string.pointer, MAX_BATT_STRLEN-1);
-       strncpy(result->battery_type, objs[11].string.pointer, MAX_BATT_STRLEN-1);
-       strncpy(result->oem_info, objs[12].string.pointer, MAX_BATT_STRLEN-1);
+       Xstrncpy(result->model_number, objs[9].string.pointer, MAX_BATT_STRLEN-1);
+       Xstrncpy(result->serial_number, objs[10].string.pointer, MAX_BATT_STRLEN-1);
+       Xstrncpy(result->battery_type, objs[11].string.pointer, MAX_BATT_STRLEN-1);
+       Xstrncpy(result->oem_info, objs[12].string.pointer, MAX_BATT_STRLEN-1);

And working around error in running sta makes it actually
usefull. This is ugly workaround, should not be applied to official

--- clean/drivers/acpi/namespace/nsxfobj.c      Wed Jan 31 16:14:33 2001
+++ linux/drivers/acpi/namespace/nsxfobj.c      Wed Jan 31 20:55:01 2001
@@ -591,14 +591,16 @@
         * Run _STA to determine if device is present
+       printk("Running sta on %x: ", node);
        status = acpi_cm_execute_STA (node, &flags);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {
-               return (status);
+               printk("error (%x)\n", status);
+               /* return (status); */
        if (!(flags & 0x01)) {
                /* don't return at the device or children of the device if not there */
+               printk("not there\n");
                return (AE_CTRL_DEPTH);

And now questions: Why are numbers reported in hexadecimal? Reporting
voltage in hexadecimal is nice nonsense to me...

I believe that we should keep description: value format, and switch to
decimal. Plus, units are nonsensical in some cases:

Remaining Capacity: 59a
                    ~~~ should be in mAh, probably
Battery discharging
Battery rate 7c5
             ~~~ should be in either Ampers or Wats
Battery capacity 59a mA
                     ~~ capacity is in miliAmps * hours, or mAh (or we
could use wats, because we know voltage)
Battery voltage 2b8e volts
                     ~~~~~~ should be milivolts, or mV

_info is not much better:

Last Full Capacity e43 mA /hr
                       ~~~~~~ I believe this is meant to be mA *hr (or mAh)
Design Capacity fa0 mA /hr
                    ~~~~~~ same here
Secondary Battery Technology
Design Voltage 2a30 mV
Design Capacity Warning 74
Design Capacity Low 0
Battery Capacity Granularity 1 40
Battery Capacity Granularity 2 40
model number
serial number
battery type
OEM info unknown

(Oh, btw, those are actuall values from my toshiba satellite. It seems
it does not want to talk about its serial/model numbers; OEM info is
even NULL...)
PS: What should be difference between _info and _status? Both contain
fields that change with time...
I'm [EMAIL PROTECTED] "In my country we have almost anarchy and I don't care."
Panos Katsaloulis describing me w.r.t. patents at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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I'm [EMAIL PROTECTED] "In my country we have almost anarchy and I don't care."
Panos Katsaloulis describing me w.r.t. patents at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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