> From: Drew Bertola [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > This is a temporary interface, just to see if we're returning values
> > properly. Your points below are well taken. People really care about
> > minutes/percentage remaining. In your opinion should we
> just report that
> > through /proc or should we keep the data low-level like it
> is now, and have
> > a user app do the math, or what?
> I'd be happy with the way it is now if I could understand the data.
> Is there any documentation available to help me convert it?
Well the ACPI spec (http://www.teleport.com/~acpi/spec.htm) talks about the
returned values, and I'm guessing the calculation is just (x capacity (mAh)
/ y draw (mA) = time left).
But like I said this interface is a placeholder.
-- Andy
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