On 3/3/2025 1:55 PM, Paul E. McKenney wrote:
>> I tried the following command and it shows the patch in question in the first
>> line of output. Basically the question that the command asks is "What is in
>> Paul's dev branch that is not in RCU tree's -next branch".  This question is
>> asked for the obvious raisins.
>> So I am obviously missing something in the command. Thoughts?
>> (rcugit is the RCU tree, and paul/dev is Paul's dev branch)
>> git cherry --abbrev -v rcugit/next paul/dev | grep "^+" | cut -d' ' -f2,3-
> I must defer to others on this one.  I must confess that I have not yet
> found a good use case for "git cherry".

In this case git cherry was seemingly correct because it detected a difference
between the same patch in your dev branch versus the next branch [1]. It seems
the next branch has the fix with the reordering of the statements. So it thought
that your branch had a patch that wasn't there in next, where in reality the one
in next was "newer".



 - Joel

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