Add a new UAPI to enable setting the vhost device to task mode.
The userspace application can use VHOST_SET_INHERIT_FROM_OWNER
to configure the mode if necessary.
This setting must be applied before VHOST_SET_OWNER, as the worker
will be created in the VHOST_SET_OWNER function

Signed-off-by: Cindy Lu <>
 drivers/vhost/vhost.c      | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 include/uapi/linux/vhost.h | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/vhost/vhost.c b/drivers/vhost/vhost.c
index d8c0ea118bb1..45d8f5c5bca9 100644
--- a/drivers/vhost/vhost.c
+++ b/drivers/vhost/vhost.c
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ void vhost_dev_reset_owner(struct vhost_dev *dev, struct 
vhost_iotlb *umem)
        int i;
+       dev->inherit_owner = true;
        dev->umem = umem;
        /* We don't need VQ locks below since vhost_dev_cleanup makes sure
         * VQs aren't running.
@@ -2278,15 +2278,35 @@ long vhost_dev_ioctl(struct vhost_dev *d, unsigned int 
ioctl, void __user *argp)
        struct eventfd_ctx *ctx;
        u64 p;
-       long r;
+       long r = 0;
        int i, fd;
+       u8 inherit_owner;
        /* If you are not the owner, you can become one */
        if (ioctl == VHOST_SET_OWNER) {
                r = vhost_dev_set_owner(d);
                goto done;
+       if (ioctl == VHOST_FORK_FROM_OWNER) {
+               /*inherit_owner can only be modified before owner is set*/
+               if (vhost_dev_has_owner(d)) {
+                       r = -EBUSY;
+                       goto done;
+               }
+               if (copy_from_user(&inherit_owner, argp, sizeof(u8))) {
+                       r = -EFAULT;
+                       goto done;
+               }
+               /* Validate the inherit_owner value, ensuring it is either 0 or 
1 */
+               if (inherit_owner > 1) {
+                       r = -EINVAL;
+                       goto done;
+               }
+               d->inherit_owner = (bool)inherit_owner;
+               goto done;
+       }
        /* You must be the owner to do anything else */
        r = vhost_dev_check_owner(d);
        if (r)
diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/vhost.h b/include/uapi/linux/vhost.h
index b95dd84eef2d..8f558b433536 100644
--- a/include/uapi/linux/vhost.h
+++ b/include/uapi/linux/vhost.h
@@ -235,4 +235,22 @@
 #define VHOST_VDPA_GET_VRING_SIZE      _IOWR(VHOST_VIRTIO, 0x82,       \
                                              struct vhost_vring_state)
+ * VHOST_FORK_FROM_OWNER - Set the inherit_owner flag for the vhost device
+ *
+ * @param inherit_owner: An 8-bit value that determines the vhost thread mode
+ *
+ * When inherit_owner is set to 1:
+ *   - The VHOST worker threads inherit its values/checks from
+ *     the thread that owns the VHOST device, The vhost threads will
+ *     be counted in the nproc rlimits.
+ *
+ * When inherit_owner is set to 0:
+ *   - The VHOST worker threads will use the traditional kernel thread 
+ *     implementation, which may be preferred by older userspace applications 
+ *     do not utilize the newer vhost_task concept.
+ */

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