On 3/19/21 11:20 AM, Mark Brown wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 10:02:52AM -0500, Madhavan T. Venkataraman wrote:
>> On 3/19/21 9:40 AM, Madhavan T. Venkataraman wrote:
>>> Actually now I look again it's just not adding anything on EL2 entries
>>> at all, they use a separate set of macros which aren't updated - this
>>> will only update things for EL0 and EL1 entries so my comment above
>>> about this tracking EL2 as EL1 isn't accurate.
>> So, do I need to do anything here?
> Probably worth some note somewhere about other stack types existing and
> how they end up being handled, in the changelog at least.