On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 2:06 AM Bodeddula, Balasubramaniam
<boded...@amazon.com> wrote:
> Tested-by: boded...@amazon.com

Very thanks for your test.

> We are interested in this patch and have tested an earlier version of this 
> patch on 5.11-rc4 kernel version. I did a functional validation of the 
> changes and saw that the total memory listed by free command increasing and 
> more memory was made available when memory was allocated in hugepages. 1G 
> hugepages gave higher improvements compared to 2M, as expected. Is there a 
> formal way to publish the results? I can do the same as required (I am new to 
> Linux Kernel patching process).

I don’t know if there is a formal way. But maybe you can share
the test result directly through this thread. If someone knows
this, please let me know. Thanks.

> I have a few follow-up questions on this patch:
> 1. What is the overall status of this patch? What is the ballpark timeline we 
> are looking for this patch to be accepted.

There is only one patch of this patchset that has no reviewed-by tag.
I think it might be 5.13 in the best case But I don't have the right to

> 2. Why is this patch not working when memory is allocated as hugepages by THP 
> (transparent hugepages). THP uses AnonHugePages, doesn’t this patch 
> generalize for all ‘type’ of hugepages?

Now it only supports HugeTLB pages. THP is a little different
and complex compared to HugeTLB. I need to investigate THP
in depth to determine the possible problems.

> Please let me know if there are any additional tasks that I can help. Happy 
> to help.
> Thanks.

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