On Wed, Feb 03, 2021 at 02:50:45PM +0000, Kostya Porotchkin wrote: > [KP] So for older systems this "slow mode" parameter could be set on the > board level. > When it is set in ap80x,dtsi file it downgrades all systems to HS-SDR52, even > if they support HS400 on AP side. > MacchiatoBIN AP eMMC is connected to 3.3v regulator and has "no-1-8-v" flag > set, so it should remain in low speed anyway.
Your reasoning does not make sense. The ap80x.dtsi file does not specify "marvell,xenon-phy-slow-mode". It is not specified at this level. It is already specified at board level. Given that Macchiatobin will still use slow mode, why remove the marvell,xenon-phy-slow-mode property from this file? Also, if you're upgrading ap80x.dtsi to use a bus-width of 8, why keep the bus-width specifier of 8 in the board files? This patch just doesn't make sense, and your responses to our points seem to add to the confusion. -- RMK's Patch system: https://www.armlinux.org.uk/developer/patches/ FTTP is here! 40Mbps down 10Mbps up. Decent connectivity at last!