On Mon, Feb 01, 2021 at 11:13:14AM -0800, Dave Hansen wrote:
> Sure.  Were you thinking of a code comment, or enhanced changelog?
> Let's say there's a system with two sockets each with the same three
> classes of memory: fast, medium and slow.  Each memory class is placed
> in its own NUMA node and the CPUs are attached to the fast memory.  That
> leaves 6 NUMA nodes (0-5):
>       Socket A: 0, 1, 2
>       Socket B: 3, 4, 5
> The migration path for this configuration path would start on the nodes
> with the processors and fast memory, progress through medium and end
> with the slow memory:
>       0 -> 1 -> 2 -> stop
>       3 -> 4 -> 5 -> stop
> This is represented in the node_demotion[] like this:
>       {  1, // Node 0 migrates to 1
>          2, // Node 1 migrates to 2
>         -1, // Node 2 does not migrate
>          4, // Node 3 migrates to 1
>          5, // Node 4 migrates to 2
>         -1} // Node 5 does not migrate
> Is that what you were thinking of?

I would not mind to have the above explanation in a comment somewhere
in the code.

Oscar Salvador

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