On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 4:04 AM H. Nikolaus Schaller <h...@goldelico.com> wrote: > > Then it should not have been applied to mainline but fully worked out and > tested. >
That would be a reasonable expectation of a product. But Linux isn't a product, it's a hugely complex, shared system, which may form the basis of your product. The core maintainers aren't superhuman, nor do they have access to the 1000s of configurations and devices where Linux runs or will run. They do their very best, but if every change had to be 100% tested in every possible configuration, then few things could ever change, and Linux would slow down to a snail's pace. When your product is based on Linux and you pull a newer version off kernel.org, it's not unreasonable to expect the occasional breakage. In my case, when I moved from 5.7 to 5.9, some of the things that broke were my network chip, and most SPI drivers. That was a bad day, most pulls are trouble-free. I believe LTSes are more stable than 'stable releases' which are in turn more stable than RCs. The choice involves a trade-off between features, security and stability. When you do run into a breakage, complaining on the mailing list is good, but posting a fix is better :) This is my layman's understanding of the situation, I'm just a user and not a maintainer. > > > >> > >> What should we do? Hopefully I have some time this week to look into your breakage, I may get overtaken by someone much more knowledgeable than me on spi-gpio.