On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 12:40:58AM +0100, Andrzej Krzysztofowicz wrote:
> > > 2.4 has code in the pci quirks to disable the register which makes
> > > the chip masquerade as a VP3, and forces it to identify itself as
> > > an MVP3 part. I'm curious whether this has an interaction here.
> >
> > This doesn't do anything but change the ID so that Linux drivers are not
> > confused anymore. This caused a lot of trouble in 2.2, especially with
> > the old VIA IDE driver.
> [...]
> > Fortunately all these chips use PIIX-compatible extensions to the PCI
> > bus, so they are all interchangeable to some degree.
> >
> > > I'm curious if all of the other boards in Alans bug reports also
> > > fall into the stranger category.
> >
> > It's possible. I have a board (VA-503A), which has a masqueraded 598,
> > which identifies itself as 597, and a 686a southbridge. This got the
> > 2.2 ide driver completely confused, for example.
> Maybe the VIA IDE chipset support option should depend on PCI quirks now ?
No, in 2.4 the VIA IDE driver doesn't use this (northbridge) information
Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs
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