With vt86c686b (AOpen AK73Pro) I am having a strange problem.
When accessing disks old-fashioned way (/dev/hdaN or /dev/hdcN)
I do not see corruption, but writing to a RAID-1 made out of
them produces corrupted results.
Does RAID code access the underlying block device the same way
as single partitions are accessed from the userland?
My test goes like this:
cd /
raidstop /dev/md2
# Baseline: single device case seem to work OK
# with both 2.1e and 3.11
for dev in a7 c7
mke2fs /dev/hd$dev
mount /dev/hd$dev /mnt
tar cf - usr | ( cd /mnt && tar xfp - )
umount /mnt
mount -o ro /dev/hd$dev /mnt
tar cf - usr | ( cd /mnt && tar df - )
# no problem reported from `tar df'
umount /mnt
# RAID-1 /dev/md2 is built out of /dev/hda7 and /dev/hdc7
# not quite, but exact `force' switch withheld :-)
mkraid /dev/md2
# wait until /proc/mdstat says /dev/md2 is fully reconstructed
mke2fs /dev/md2
mount /dev/md2 /mnt
tar cf - usr | ( cd /mnt && tar xfp - )
umount /mnt
mount -o ro /dev/md2 /mnt
tar cf - usr | ( cd /mnt && tar df - )
# many errors.
umount /mnt
raidstop /dev/md2
mkdir -p /mnt/1 /mnt/2
mount -o ro /dev/hda7 /mnt/1
mount -o ro /dev/hdc7 /mnt/2
tar cf - usr | ( cd /mnt/1 && tar df - )
# many differences.
tar cf - usr | ( cd /mnt/2 && tar df - )
# many differences.
umount /dev/hda7
umount /dev/hdc7
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