The max17040 fuel gauge is part of a family of 8 chips that have very
similar mode of operations and registers.

This change adds:
- compatible strings for all supported devices and handling for the
  minor differences between them;
- handling for devices reporting double capacity via maxim,double-soc;

The datasheets of the supported devices are linked [0] [1] [2] [3].


Signed-off-by: Iskren Chernev <>
Tested-by: Jonathan Bakker <>
 drivers/power/supply/Kconfig            |  10 +-
 drivers/power/supply/max17040_battery.c | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/power/supply/Kconfig b/drivers/power/supply/Kconfig
index 1e11a44077dde..f51ae86788ded 100644
--- a/drivers/power/supply/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/power/supply/Kconfig
@@ -369,9 +369,13 @@ config BATTERY_MAX17040
        depends on I2C
        select REGMAP_I2C
-         MAX17040 is fuel-gauge systems for lithium-ion (Li+) batteries
-         in handheld and portable equipment. The MAX17040 is configured
-         to operate with a single lithium cell
+         Maxim models with ModelGauge are fuel-gauge systems for lithium-ion
+         (Li+) batteries in handheld and portable equipment, including
+         max17040, max17041, max17043, max17044, max17048, max17049, max17058,
+         max17059. It is also included in some batteries like max77836.
+         Driver supports reporting SOC (State of Charge, i.e capacity),
+         voltage and configurable low-SOC wakeup interrupt.
 config BATTERY_MAX17042
        tristate "Maxim MAX17042/17047/17050/8997/8966 Fuel Gauge"
diff --git a/drivers/power/supply/max17040_battery.c 
index fae4217960761..3d5003e3a277a 100644
--- a/drivers/power/supply/max17040_battery.c
+++ b/drivers/power/supply/max17040_battery.c
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include <linux/delay.h>
 #include <linux/interrupt.h>
 #include <linux/power_supply.h>
+#include <linux/of_device.h>
 #include <linux/max17040_battery.h>
 #include <linux/regmap.h>
 #include <linux/slab.h>
@@ -33,12 +34,92 @@
 #define MAX17040_ATHD_MASK             0x3f
+enum chip_id {
+       ID_MAX17040,
+       ID_MAX17041,
+       ID_MAX17043,
+       ID_MAX17044,
+       ID_MAX17048,
+       ID_MAX17049,
+       ID_MAX17058,
+       ID_MAX17059,
+/* values that differ by chip_id */
+struct chip_data {
+       u16 reset_val;
+       u16 vcell_shift;
+       u16 vcell_mul;
+       u16 vcell_div;
+       u8  has_low_soc_alert;
+static struct chip_data max17040_family[] = {
+       [ID_MAX17040] = {
+               .reset_val = 0x0054,
+               .vcell_shift = 4,
+               .vcell_mul = 1250,
+               .vcell_div = 1,
+               .has_low_soc_alert = 0,
+       },
+       [ID_MAX17041] = {
+               .reset_val = 0x0054,
+               .vcell_shift = 4,
+               .vcell_mul = 2500,
+               .vcell_div = 1,
+               .has_low_soc_alert = 0,
+       },
+       [ID_MAX17043] = {
+               .reset_val = 0x0054,
+               .vcell_shift = 4,
+               .vcell_mul = 1250,
+               .vcell_div = 1,
+               .has_low_soc_alert = 1,
+       },
+       [ID_MAX17044] = {
+               .reset_val = 0x0054,
+               .vcell_shift = 4,
+               .vcell_mul = 2500,
+               .vcell_div = 1,
+               .has_low_soc_alert = 1,
+       },
+       [ID_MAX17048] = {
+               .reset_val = 0x5400,
+               .vcell_shift = 0,
+               .vcell_mul = 625,
+               .vcell_div = 8,
+               .has_low_soc_alert = 1,
+       },
+       [ID_MAX17049] = {
+               .reset_val = 0x5400,
+               .vcell_shift = 0,
+               .vcell_mul = 625,
+               .vcell_div = 4,
+               .has_low_soc_alert = 1,
+       },
+       [ID_MAX17058] = {
+               .reset_val = 0x5400,
+               .vcell_shift = 0,
+               .vcell_mul = 625,
+               .vcell_div = 8,
+               .has_low_soc_alert = 1,
+       },
+       [ID_MAX17059] = {
+               .reset_val = 0x5400,
+               .vcell_shift = 0,
+               .vcell_mul = 625,
+               .vcell_div = 4,
+               .has_low_soc_alert = 1,
+       },
 struct max17040_chip {
        struct i2c_client               *client;
        struct regmap                   *regmap;
        struct delayed_work             work;
        struct power_supply             *battery;
        struct max17040_platform_data   *pdata;
+       struct chip_data                data;
        /* battery capacity */
        int soc;
@@ -46,27 +127,37 @@ struct max17040_chip {
        int status;
        /* Low alert threshold from 32% to 1% of the State of Charge */
        u32 low_soc_alert;
+       /* some devices return twice the capacity */
+       bool quirk_double_soc;
 static int max17040_reset(struct max17040_chip *chip)
-       return regmap_write(chip->regmap, MAX17040_CMD, 0x0054);
+       return regmap_write(chip->regmap, MAX17040_CMD, chip->data.reset_val);
 static int max17040_set_low_soc_alert(struct max17040_chip *chip, u32 level)
-       level = 32 - level;
+       level = 32 - level * (chip->quirk_double_soc ? 2 : 1);
        return regmap_update_bits(chip->regmap, MAX17040_CONFIG,
                        MAX17040_ATHD_MASK, level);
+static int max17040_raw_vcell_to_uvolts(struct max17040_chip *chip, u16 vcell)
+       struct chip_data *d = &chip->data;
+       return (vcell >> d->vcell_shift) * d->vcell_mul / d->vcell_div;
 static int max17040_get_vcell(struct max17040_chip *chip)
        u32 vcell;
        regmap_read(chip->regmap, MAX17040_VCELL, &vcell);
-       return (vcell >> 4) * 1250;
+       return max17040_raw_vcell_to_uvolts(chip, vcell);
 static int max17040_get_soc(struct max17040_chip *chip)
@@ -75,7 +166,7 @@ static int max17040_get_soc(struct max17040_chip *chip)
        regmap_read(chip->regmap, MAX17040_SOC, &soc);
-       return soc >> 8;
+       return soc >> (chip->quirk_double_soc ? 9 : 8);
 static int max17040_get_version(struct max17040_chip *chip)
@@ -116,12 +207,16 @@ static int max17040_get_of_data(struct max17040_chip 
        struct device *dev = &chip->client->dev;
+       chip->quirk_double_soc = device_property_read_bool(dev,
+                                                          "maxim,double-soc");
        chip->low_soc_alert = MAX17040_ATHD_DEFAULT_POWER_UP;
-       if (chip->low_soc_alert <= 0 || chip->low_soc_alert >= 33) {
+       if (chip->low_soc_alert <= 0 ||
+           chip->low_soc_alert > (chip->quirk_double_soc ? 16 : 32)) {
                dev_err(dev, "maxim,alert-low-soc-level out of bounds\n");
                return -EINVAL;
@@ -219,8 +314,9 @@ static int max17040_set_property(struct power_supply *psy,
        switch (psp) {
-               /* alert threshold can be programmed from 1% up to 32% */
-               if ((val->intval < 1) || (val->intval > 32)) {
+               /* alert threshold can be programmed from 1% up to 16/32% */
+               if ((val->intval < 1) ||
+                   (val->intval > (chip->quirk_double_soc ? 16 : 32))) {
                        ret = -EINVAL;
@@ -293,6 +389,7 @@ static int max17040_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
        struct i2c_adapter *adapter = client->adapter;
        struct power_supply_config psy_cfg = {};
        struct max17040_chip *chip;
+       enum chip_id chip_id;
        int ret;
        if (!i2c_check_functionality(adapter, I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BYTE))
@@ -305,9 +402,14 @@ static int max17040_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
        chip->client = client;
        chip->regmap = devm_regmap_init_i2c(client, &max17040_regmap);
        chip->pdata = client->dev.platform_data;
-       ret = max17040_get_of_data(chip);
-       if (ret)
-               return ret;
+       chip_id = (enum chip_id) id->driver_data;
+       if (client->dev.of_node) {
+               ret = max17040_get_of_data(chip);
+               if (ret)
+                       return ret;
+               chip_id = (enum chip_id) of_device_get_match_data(&client->dev);
+       }
+       chip->data = max17040_family[chip_id];
        i2c_set_clientdata(client, chip);
        psy_cfg.drv_data = chip;
@@ -324,11 +426,11 @@ static int max17040_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
                return ret;
        dev_dbg(&chip->client->dev, "MAX17040 Fuel-Gauge Ver 0x%x\n", ret);
-       max17040_reset(chip);
+       if (chip_id == ID_MAX17040 || chip_id == ID_MAX17041)
+               max17040_reset(chip);
        /* check interrupt */
-       if (client->irq && of_device_is_compatible(client->dev.of_node,
-                                                  "maxim,max77836-battery")) {
+       if (client->irq && chip->data.has_low_soc_alert) {
                ret = max17040_set_low_soc_alert(chip, chip->low_soc_alert);
                if (ret) {
@@ -391,16 +493,30 @@ static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(max17040_pm_ops, 
max17040_suspend, max17040_resume);
 #endif /* CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */
 static const struct i2c_device_id max17040_id[] = {
-       { "max17040" },
-       { "max77836-battery" },
-       { }
+       { "max17040", ID_MAX17040 },
+       { "max17041", ID_MAX17041 },
+       { "max17043", ID_MAX17043 },
+       { "max77836-battery", ID_MAX17043 },
+       { "max17044", ID_MAX17044 },
+       { "max17048", ID_MAX17048 },
+       { "max17049", ID_MAX17049 },
+       { "max17058", ID_MAX17058 },
+       { "max17059", ID_MAX17059 },
+       { /* sentinel */ }
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, max17040_id);
 static const struct of_device_id max17040_of_match[] = {
-       { .compatible = "maxim,max17040" },
-       { .compatible = "maxim,max77836-battery" },
-       { },
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max17040", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17040 },
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max17041", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17041 },
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max17043", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17043 },
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max77836-battery", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17043 
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max17044", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17044 },
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max17048", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17048 },
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max17049", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17049 },
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max17058", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17058 },
+       { .compatible = "maxim,max17059", .data = (void *) ID_MAX17059 },
+       { /* sentinel */ },
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, max17040_of_match);

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