On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Steven N. Hirsch wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Helge Hafting wrote:
> > Nicolas Noble wrote:
> > [...]
> > As others have told already, this is the ECN problem.
> >
> > > I noticed the same bug. This is very weired, I can send a list of sites
> > > which I can't connect anymore.
> >
> > You have a list? Send all of them a message stating that they ought
> > to upgrade their firewalls which cause this problem. Or they
> > will loose customers/visitors. Cisco already have an upgrade for them,
> > so fixing is dead easy, and they can then boast compatibility with
> > the latest internet standards.
> >
> > If they don't care about linux users, tell them that windows eventually
> > will use ECN too. They definitely don't want to have a ECN problem when
> > that happens.
> After upgrading to kernel 2.4.0, I found myself unable to retrieve mail
> from Adelphia's (2-way cable ISP) POP server. It took several days to
> figure out that _one_ of their routers was configured to block ECN. After
> bringing this to the attention of their network engineers, I was informed
> that their policy prohibits making any router changes on the basis of one
> trouble report. The person I spoke with did NOT try to defend their
> setup, but it was made clear that they'll do nothing until Windows breaks.
> If I were packaging a Linux distribution, I'd be sure to have ECN disabled
> by default, FWIW.
It's not a matter of changing network setup... if those are cisco routers
there are patches to fix the bugs.
Here is what little info I have on the topic (shamelessly ripped from an
earlier email by "Dax Kelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" )
Here is the fix for PIX:
Bud ID: CSCds23698
Headline: PIX sends RSET in response to tcp connections with ECN
bits set
Product: PIX
Component: fw
Severity: 2 Status: R [Resolved]
Version Found: 5.1(1) Fixed-in Version: 5.1(2.206) 5.1(2.207)
Here is the fix for Local Director:
Bug Id : CSCds40921
Headline: LD rejects syn with reserved bits set in flags field of TCP
Product: ld
Component: rotor
Severity: 3 Status: R [Resolved]
Version Found: 3.3(3) Fixed-in Version:
Gerhard Mack
<>< As a computer I find your faith in technology amusing.
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