> Hi all,
> I'm testing 2.4 series for few weeks,
> even the last prerelease
> I've seen stranges things :
> I cannot access to some ips adresses ! :
> in http or in smtp using "konqueror", "netscape",
> "mail", "telnet 25".
> I cannot login to hotmail (in the web page:http)
> or send mail (smtp) to hotmail users (don't blame me !!)
> All the others network things works well, the network in general seems
> good only very few sites like hotmail doesn't works.
> And only with 2.4 series !! not with 2.2 ...
> maybe it's a glibc or kernel issue, I'dont know.
> I have an intel SMP motherboard connected to the net (cable)
> with a PCI realtek 8019.
> I didn't analyse packets sent. If somebody else have the
> same problems ...
> Nicolas.
> Sorry for my poor english.
> PS: funny "bug" isn't it ? (hotmail !)
> PS2: thanks for all, very good job done,
> 2.4 is very fast and seems stable.
I noticed the same bug. This is very weired, I can send a list of sites
which I can't connect anymore. I've "solved" the problem by installing a
gateway onto a 2.2.18 with a squid on it, so this is the squid which is
doing the http's traffic for my 2.4.0 box.
I though it was a misconfiguration from my side but wasn't able to detect
Perhaps it's linked...
-- Nicolas Noble
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