On Wed, Jun 03, 2020 at 10:03:16PM +0200, Luca Ceresoli wrote:

> I suspect the only solution that allows to configure the EN_PIN_CTRLn bits
> correctly in all the possible hardware setups would be to tell in device
> tree / board info whether each enable pin is connected or not (which is a
> hardware _fact_) and which ENx pin should control which regulator output
> (which is a policy). But it would make this simple driver considerably more
> complex.

> Any suggestion about the correct way to handle this situation would be
> greatly appreciated.

We can tell if we've got a software controlled GPIO connected, if we
have then we should ensure that it continues to take effect.  That
should just be a single register write at startup from the sounds of it.
Otherwise yeah, just ignoring that there's a possibility of a GPIO we
don't know about seems sensible.

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