> Weird... it sounds that, after si2168 has its firmware updated, it
> starts interfering at si2157. Perhaps there's a bug at si2168 I2C
> gate mux logic. Are you using a new Kernel like 5.2?

Everything is based on git://linuxtv.org/media_tree.git which is at
5.4-rc1 right now.

> I guess the best is to enable the debug logs in order to see what's
> happening on both cases.
> You can enable all debug messages (after loading the modules) with:
>         # for i in $(cat /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control |grep -E 
> '(si21|af9035)' |cut -d' ' -f 1); do echo "file $i +p" 
> >>/sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control; done

I'll give that a try.

> You could also try to disable the firmware upload at si2168 and see
> if the si2157 reads will succeed.

That too. Thanks for the advice.


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