On 10/29, Tycho Andersen wrote:
> +     /* This is where we wait for a reply from userspace. */
> +     err = wait_for_completion_interruptible(&n.ready);
> +     mutex_lock(&match->notify_lock);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * If the noticiation fd died before we re-acquired the lock, we still
> +      * give -ENOSYS.
> +      */
> +     if (!match->notif)
> +             goto remove_list;
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Here it's possible we got a signal and then had to wait on the mutex
> +      * while the reply was sent, so let's be sure there wasn't a response
> +      * in the meantime.
> +      */
> +     if (err < 0 && n.state != SECCOMP_NOTIFY_REPLIED) {
> +             /*
> +              * We got a signal. Let's tell userspace about it (potentially
> +              * again, if we had already notified them about the first one).
> +              */
> +             n.signaled = true;
> +             if (n.state == SECCOMP_NOTIFY_SENT) {
> +                     n.state = SECCOMP_NOTIFY_INIT;
> +                     up(&match->notif->request);
> +             }

I am not sure I understand the value of signaled/SECCOMP_NOTIF_FLAG_SIGNALED...
I mean, why it is actually useful?

Sorry if this was already discussed.

> +             wake_up_poll(&match->notif->wqh, EPOLLIN | EPOLLRDNORM);
> +
> +             mutex_unlock(&match->notify_lock);
> +             err = wait_for_completion_killable(&n.ready);
> +             mutex_lock(&match->notify_lock);

And it seems that SECCOMP_NOTIF_FLAG_SIGNALED is the only reason why
seccomp_do_user_notification() doesn't do wait_for_completion_killable() from
the very beginning.

But my main concern is that either way wait_for_completion_killable() allows
to trivially create a process which doesn't react to SIGSTOP, not good...

Note also that this can happen if, say, both the tracer and tracee run in the
same process group and SIGSTOP is sent to their pgid, if the tracer gets the
signal first the tracee won't stop.

Of freezer. try_to_freeze_tasks() can fail if it freezes the tracer before


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