On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 04:55:30PM +0300, Meelis Roos wrote:
> > > WARNING: arch/ppc/platforms/built-in.o - Section mismatch: reference to 
> > > .init.text:Powerplus_Map_Non0 from .data between 'mot_info' (at offset 
> > > 0x18) and 'Mesquite_pci_IRQ_map'
> > .....
> > 
> > mot_info is only used by functions marked __init.
> > So why not mark it __init so it get discarded and we get rid of all those 
> > warnings?
> How do I mark a initialized struct __init? Adding __init or const __init in
> front of the declaration results in
>   CC      arch/ppc/platforms/prep_pci.o
> arch/ppc/platforms/prep_pci.c:806: error: mot_info causes a section type 
> conflict

>From include/linux/init.h:
 * For initialized data:
 * You should insert __initdata between the variable name and equal
 * sign followed by value, e.g.:
 * static int init_variable __initdata = 0;
 * static char linux_logo[] __initdata = { 0x32, 0x36, ... };
 * Don't forget to initialize data not at file scope, i.e. within a function,
 * as gcc otherwise puts the data into the bss section and not into the init
 * section.
 * Also note, that this data cannot be "const".

If you need more info we would need to update this comment.

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