On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Eduardo Habkost <ehabk...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 01:37:05PM -0800, Jim Mattson wrote:
>> For GCE, "you might be migrated to Skylake" is pretty much a
>> certainty. Even if you're in a zone that doesn't currently have
>> Skylake machines, chances are pretty good that it will have Skylake
>> machines some day in the not-too-distant future.
> This kind of scenario is why I suggest a "we promise you're not
> going to be migrated to Skylake" bit instead a "you may be
> migrated to Skylake" bit.  The hypervisor could prevent migration
> to Skylake hosts if management software chose to enable this bit,
> and guests would choose the safest option (i.e. assume the worst)
> if running on older hypervisors that don't set the bit.

Giving customers this option promises the logistical nightmare of
provisioning sufficient pre-Skylake-era machines in all pools until
sufficient post-Skylake-era machines can be deployed to replace them.

>> In general, making these kinds of decisions based on F/M/S is probably
>> unwise when running in a VM.
> Certainly.  That's why I suggest not trusting f/m/s unless the
> hypervisor is explicitly saying it's accurate.
> --
> Eduardo

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