On Wed, 2018-01-17 at 18:16 +0100, Dmitry Vyukov wrote:
> Agree, but as far as I understand it is specifically restricted. You
> can see docs here:
> https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/php/mail/mail-with-headers-attachments

ROTFL - as if almost no one at Google know that there are source files
of any kind.

> It also does not allow sending .exe, .com, .bat, etc at all.
> The support for log/patch/c will at least solve all problems for syzbot.

Yup, but they should better also add .h, .hpp., .cpp and a lot more
from the source code world too.

I'm just wondering if it wouldn't be even more safe to use text/plain
(instead of application/octet-stream) as the default MIME type if one
wants to avoid to be misused to send viruses etc.


PS: Sry, for somewhat semi-off-topic ....
Bernd Petrovitsch                  Email : be...@petrovitsch.priv.at
                     LUGA : http://www.luga.at

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