On Sat, 7 Oct 2017 14:24:53 +0900
Stafford Horne <sho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Nice read, see some comments below


> > To enable tracing call:
> > 
> >   register_ftrace_function(&ops);  
> Maybe it would help to have a small section on 'The register function'
> below to answer?
> Is it possible to make changes to the filter after calling
> register_ftrace_function()?  Or do you need to call
> register_ftrace_function() again?

OK, I'll think about this.


> > This takes the same parameters as ftrace_set_filter() but will add the
> > functions it finds to not be traced. This doesn't remove them from the
> > filter itself, but keeps them from being traced. If @reset is set,
> > the filter is cleaded but the functions that match @buf will still not  
> 'cleared'?

Yeah, Jon pointed out the confusion here too.

> > be traced (the callback will not be called on those functions).  
> This is a bit confusing, I guess it means 'the existng filter is cleared
> and the filter *will match all* functions excluding those that match @buf'.

Yep, I confused Jon with it as well. I think by the time I got to this
part of the document, I was just trying to finish it and did a bit of
rambling and less cognitive thought.

Thanks for reviewing.

-- Steve

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