On 04/09/2017 02:58, Leo Yan wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 02, 2017 at 10:34:34AM +0200, Daniel Lezcano wrote:
>> On 02/09/2017 04:54, Leo Yan wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 10:47:32AM +0200, Daniel Lezcano wrote:
>>>> The TEMP0_CFG configuration register contains different field to set up the
>>>> temperature controller. However in the code, nothing prevents a setup to
>>>> overwrite the previous one: eg. writing the hdak value overwrites the 
>>>> sensor
>>>> selection, the sensor selection overwrites the hdak value.
>>>> In order to prevent such thing, use a regmap-like mechanism by reading the
>>>> value before, set the corresponding bits and write the result.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Daniel Lezcano <daniel.lezc...@linaro.org>
>>>> ---
>>>>  drivers/thermal/hisi_thermal.c | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
>>>>  1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/thermal/hisi_thermal.c 
>>>> b/drivers/thermal/hisi_thermal.c
>>>> index d77a938..3e03908 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/thermal/hisi_thermal.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/thermal/hisi_thermal.c
>>>> @@ -132,19 +132,39 @@ static inline void hisi_thermal_enable(void __iomem 
>>>> *addr, int value)
>>>>    writel(value, addr + TEMP0_EN);
>>>>  }
>>>> -static inline void hisi_thermal_sensor_select(void __iomem *addr, int 
>>>> sensor)
>>>> +static inline int hisi_thermal_get_temperature(void __iomem *addr)
>>>>  {
>>>> -  writel((sensor << 12), addr + TEMP0_CFG);
>>>> +  return hisi_thermal_step_to_temp(readl(addr + TEMP0_VALUE));
>>>>  }
>>>> -static inline int hisi_thermal_get_temperature(void __iomem *addr)
>>>> +/*
>>>> + * Temperature configuration register - Sensor selection
>>>> + *
>>>> + * Bits [19:12]
>>>> + *
>>>> + * 0x0: local sensor (default)
>>>> + * 0x1: remote sensor 1 (ACPU cluster 1)
>>>> + * 0x2: remote sensor 2 (ACPU cluster 0)
>>>> + * 0x3: remote sensor 3 (G3D)
>>>> + */
>>>> +static inline void hisi_thermal_sensor_select(void __iomem *addr, int 
>>>> sensor)
>>>>  {
>>>> -  return hisi_thermal_step_to_temp(readl(addr + TEMP0_VALUE));
>>>> +  writel(readl(addr + TEMP0_CFG) | (sensor << 12), addr + TEMP0_CFG);
>>> nitpick: maybe it's better to firstly clear related bits and then set
>>> value?
>> Sorry, I don't get the comment. Can you elaborate ?
> Sure, here I am bit concern there the mixing old bits value and new
> setting bits. My suggested code likes below:
>   u32 val;
>   val = readl(addr + TEMP0_CFG);
>   val &= ~0xF000;
>   val |= (sensor << 12);
>   writel(val, addr + TEMP0_CFG);

Oh, yes. Good catch.

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